
Student Wellbeing – Reminders

A sincere welcome back to all our St Edmund’s students and families. I hope you had a relaxing and happy holiday season.

I’m sure there are mixed emotions for some of our students about returning, especially during these times of COVID and the restrictions we need to live by at the moment. The College is taking all precautions and implementing as many measures as possible to ensure the safety and wellbeing of both students and staff.

Please note below some reminders to begin the new school year:

Student drivers and passengers driven in vehicles by students.
Students who drive to school must complete forms provided by their Head of House. The form includes:

  • car details including registration number
  • passenger details
  • parking arrangements

Students are not permitted to park motor vehicles on the College grounds or in the pick-up or drop-off zones. Students are requested not to park a motor vehicle during school hours in front of the College or on Canberra Avenue. No responsibility will be taken by the College for damage to student vehicles; including theft from vehicles or parking infringement fines. The Driving Policy for senior students can be accessed at https://sec.act.edu.au/pastoral-care-handbook/

If your son is not a driver, but travels to school with another student as the driver, written permission must be given to your son’s Head of House indicating who your son will be travelling with.  Please send this as a written letter or as an email.

All parents and students are reminded of the College Summer uniform requirements for Term 1 as well as the hairstyle protocols enforced by the College. These can be accessed at https://sec.act.edu.au/pastoral-care-handbook/

Please note that Junior School are required to wear a College hat for Physical Education classes and play times.

All members of the College community are reminded that CCTV is in operation across the majority of the College buildings including outdoor areas.

Term 1 Camps
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restriction guidelines for schools, the scheduled Years 6, 7, 10 and 12 camps are going to have to be postponed until later in the year. The dates for these camps will be announced once bookings have been confirmed and when COVID-19 restrictions are known for each term.

Seniors leaving College premises during break times.
Years 11 and 12 students are permitted to leave the College grounds at lunch time (only) to purchase lunch from shops in the local area. It is not a time to be out socialising with students from other schools. Please be advised that students must adhere to the following guidelines for this privilege to remain in place:

  • Students are only permitted to leave College grounds at lunch time (not recess).
  • Students must sign out at the front office upon leaving the College grounds. (The College needs to know which students are on site in the case of a fire or emergency).
  • Students must return to school by 1:40pm in order to be on time for their Period 5 class.
  • Whilst out in public, students must represent the College in manner that is a positive reflection of the ethos and values of St Edmund’s.
  • Students are not to be lingering in parks, alleyways or other recreational areas. Boys should only be going to Kingston shops, Manuka shops, Griffith shops or Fyshwick as far as Nerang Street.
  • Students must now complete and return a parent permission note to their Head of House to be able to leave the College grounds for lunch.

School Photographs – Friday 4th February
Please note that school photographs will be taking place this Friday the 4th February. Students are to ensure their uniform is neat and tidy and their hair meets College expectations.

If students wish to have a sibling photograph, Ms M Day the Assistant Principal-Wellbeing needs to be notified by Thursday the 3rd February.

For students Photo catch up day will be Thursday the 10th February.

For more information on how to purchase photographs, please see the attached document and separate email which outlines steps on how to purchase photographs.

Bus transport of an afternoon is structured and there is an order in which students get on the bus of an afternoon.

If your son travels to Karabar or Carwoola and does not change buses or alight at the Queanbeyan interchange, he will need to get a priority boarding pass from the front office to allow him to get one of the first buses. There is no early bus, so students are not permitted to leave class early to catch a bus.

School Day schedule
Bell times for all students is as follows:

2022 Bell Times

Junior SchoolHigh School
8.45amMove to class bell8.45amMove to class bell
8.50am – 9.42amPeriod 1 (52 minutes)8.50am – 9.42amPeriod 1 (52 minutes)
9.45am – 10.37amPeriod 2 (52 minutes)9.45am – 10.37amPeriod 2 (52 minutes)
10.40am – 10.45amTutor Group (5 minutes)10.40am – 10.55amTutor Group (15 minutes)
10.45am – 11.15amRecess10.55am – 11.15amRecess
11.20am – 12.12pmPeriod 3 (52 minutes)11.20am – 12.12pmPeriod 3 (52 minutes)
12.15pm – 12.55pmPeriod 4 (40 minutes)12.15pm – 1.05pmPeriod 4 (50 minutes)
12.55pm – 1.40pmLunch1.05pm – 1.20pmLunch
1.20pm – 1.40pmPlay (Quad/Ovals/Library)
1.45pm – 2.35pmPeriod 5 (50 minutes)1.45pm – 2.35pmPeriod 5 (50 minutes)
2.38pm – 3.25pmPeriod 6 (47 minutes)2.38pm – 3.25pmPeriod 6 (47 minutes)

General Information
In order to assist staff at the College with lost property, could you please ensure that your son’s uniforms are labelled with their names. This helps staff be able to return items that may be misplaced and also assists when clothing gets mixed up.

Monica Day
Assistant Principal Student Wellbeing