
Upcoming football (soccer) events

Sunday, April 8 from  9:30 am to 1:30pm

St Edmund’s College, Canberra

Game times for MARSEC
9.30amWattersU13 White
11.30amStanden1ST XI
12.45pmWattersU13 BLUES
O’Brien2ND XI

Students are required to arrive half an hour before their game time to meet with their coach and will be required to assist throughout the time in the times below.

BBQ and Supporters Duty
Time                                   Team
9am1st and 2nd XI – SET UP
9am-10.30am1st XI
10.30-11.30amU13B, U11, 2ND XI
11.30-12.45pmU14, U13W
12.45-2.00pmU15, U16 & U10
1.30pm1st and 2nd XI – PACK DOWN

General information


All students, friends and family members are welcome to attend on the day. All school students or players are encouraged to wear their uniform when not in sporting gear and are invited to really show what our wonderful community is all about.

The first and second XI are required to wear their uniform and blazers when watching and supporting the younger teams. This is a really important gesture and demonstration of comradery, school pride and solidarity which can be expressed on and off the field. We very much appreciate the support of you and your sons on this day.

You will see that there is a BBQ roster above, this is a really important opportunity for the team to come together and assist in the running of part of the day.


Football jerseys will be provided by the College for each game day. The boys will need their own shin pads, white shorts, soccer socks and water bottles.


If you and your son are unable to attend, please let his coach know and myself know. This will assist us in our planning for the day.

EREA Tournament

This is a national invitational tournament and schools from around the country will be here 13th April to 15th April . The  spirit and presence  of our boys irrespective of whether they are playing or not will encourage the involvement of many others in our community on these days. This involves the U16 and Opens teams competing but it would be wonderful to have the support of many younger teams.

Other announcements:


Please ensure that you have registered your son with Capital football as soon as possible. Without registration or FFA numbers, your son will not be allowed to play in our first round. https://www.playfootball.com.au/player/player-registration 

Season kick off: May 5th, the draw is to be finalised from Capital Football. This will be sent to you as soon as it become available.

Team App:  Download the app https://eddiesfootball.teamapp.com/ up-to-date information will be posted throughout the season!

If you require any information or have any questions please let me know.