
World Youth Day 2021

What’s your ideal Sunday?

Everyone loves a sleep-in, how about a cruisy morning Mass? Followed by a family picnic lunch with live music to top it off? Next Sunday 21st November St Christopher’s Cathedral will be celebrating World Youth Day at the 11 am Sunday Mass with a picnic lunch to follow. All youth in the church are being celebrated, and this includes your young children and families! We’d love to see you there.

First initiated by St John Paul II in 1985, then Pope John Paul II imagined World Youth Day to be a powerful moment in which young people of the world could meet Christ, who is eternally young, and could learn from him how to be bearers of the Gospel to other young people. Typically, this would be a large-scale international celebration, but we’re making the most of it this year staying local to enjoy the Canberra scene in Manuka.

See below for extra details.

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