
Year 10 Camp – 2020

Last week I had the privilege of attending the Year 10 Camp in the Belanglo State Forrest. A key component of the pastoral care and student wellbeing program at St Edmund’s College are the camps. The camp is a 3-day experience where the group undertakes a range of academic, social, physical and spiritual activities.

The Outdoor Education Group who runs the camp, focuses on the power of experiential learning in the outdoors through activities that are:

  • Meaningful – real, applied learning and experiences with purpose, actions and consequences.
  • Memorable – the experience stands out and stays with you for life. It is fun yet challenging.
  • Character Building- it enables individuals to recognize there is more to themselves and others than they realise. It improves and builds upon an individual’s strengths.
  • Transferable – learning life skills to apply in multiple situations and settings. It equips individuals to thrive throughout life.

The boys participated in a variety of activities; hiking, abseiling, flying fox, canoeing, preparing and cooking all meals and sleeping in tents. These activities put the boys to the test and out of their comfort zone. It was great to see boys working together and supporting each other to achieve a goal.  These activities gave the boys the opportunity to build new relationships with staff and their peers that will continue to develop in the classroom on their return. A big thank you goes to the staff, Ms Klara Manenica, Ms Kylie Rose, Mr Jason Moore, Mr Andrew Taylor and Mr Jeremy Taylor who assisted the boys on the camp.

Check out our Facebook post below for more images from the camp!