
Captain’s Corner – The Business End is Approaching

Week 6, Just over halfway through the term where the business end of the term begins. We have had a wide variety of events occur within the College over the previous couple weeks including the Heritage round vs Marist, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Book Week and Year 5 camp. With more major key event still yet to come, including Year 12’s AST testings, the Darwin/ Tiwi Islands trip and Co-curricular finals.

The Heritage round at the colleges showcased the pride that we boys have for our school with an abundance of boys showing up in their school uniform on Saturday to support their peers in both Soccer and Rugby. The day saw the opening of the new electronic scoreboard on Owens by Old boy and Deputy Premier John Barilaro. There was fundraising for the Ricky Stuart Foundation, an organisation in which supports the wellbeing of those with Autism. The First XV Jersey had every name from each boy who had played First XV form 1954-2019. The day showed authentic celebrations which embraced the pride and honour of belonging to the St Edmunds family.

Book week took place last week with students and staff dressing up in the theme of ‘secret power’. The effort and time put into these costumes by both the students and their families paid well as they all looked outstanding during their fashion parade where students strutted through showing off their look.

With the business end of the term, you must begin your studies and prepare as early as possible. There are tutoring lessons after school in the library Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 3:30-5: 00 pm each week, I highly encourage embracing these opportunities and get a hard start on your assessments to give yourself as much time as possible.

A piece of advice I received recently and would like to pass on, regarding the assessment period approaching “It is never too early to start studying for exams, do the 1 percenter’s now and it will all payoff” – Xavier Ward, Year 12.

Edmunds to the Fore

Harry Buckley (Vice Captain)