
From the Library

Library Books & Textbooks

Library overdue notices are sent alternately to the email of both students and parents. Student emails can be accessed through Office 365 with username@student.stedmunds.act.edu.au and their Canvas password. The notices are a reminder of the books that the students have on loan.


Drop Everything and Read occurs each day in Period 1 for all students in Year 7 – 10. It has been great to see the boys coming in to the library to borrow a book for reading during this time.

Canvas Library page

The Library page on Canvas contains a great number of resources that are available to support the students as they work through their assignments. Included is information about our eBook collection and our collection of Databases which are available at home as well as at school. Support to use these resources is available in the library before and after school, as well as each lunch time.


If you are struggling to get motivated to do your schoolwork, sadly there is no magic solution. However, here are a few strategies you can try from the DEVELOPING MOTIVATION and OVERCOMING PROCRASTINATION units if motivation or procrastination is an issue for you:

  • REWARDS: Set yourself small specific tasks to do with a specific reward at the end of the task. For some people little rewards are enough to get them going.
  • CHUNK IT DOWN: If the work seems overwhelming or boring or unappealing, break it down into small bearable chunks and just do it one piece at a time.
  • FRIENDS: Work with a friend or else tell your friend what work you want to get done and then check in on each other at the end of the night. Help each other stay on track.
  • RULE OF 3: If you can’t get started, write down the 3 most important things you must get done before you go to bed, then don’t even look at any other tasks until these 3 are completed.
  • MOTIVATING IMAGES: Find slogans, or images that motivate you and put them near your workspace.  Some people are motivated by pain (thinking of the consequences if you don’t study) while others are motivated by pleasure (thinking of all the good outcomes that will happen if you do study).

You can learn more about how to be a more effective student at www.studyskillshandbook.com.au by logging in with the details that can be found on the Library page on Canvas.

(Lisa Millar – Head of Library and Information Resources)