
Parent/Carer Satisfaction Survey 2018

The Principal recently wrote to all families asking parents and carers to complete the 2018 Parent/Carer Satisfaction Survey. A link to the survey was provided and is also below.

This survey provides parents and carers with the opportunity to provide their thoughts and views on the education and opportunities we provide at St Edmund’s College. The survey takes approximately 10-20 minutes to complete and responses provided are anonymous.

The survey is quite comprehensive and covers a number of areas of College life, including: College operations, pastoral care, teaching and learning, College spirituality and social justice. There is also the opportunity to provide more general comments.

Teachers and students will also be completing their own surveys over the coming weeks.

The responses from all the surveys will be reviewed and analysed and will greatly assist us to better understand and respond to the needs of parents and carers. The responses also provide measurable data that can be compared to previous surveys and evaluated, so that changes and improvements can be made to College practices and to how we operate.

We encourage all parents and carers to complete the survey. While the College provides a number of informal and formal opportunities for parents and carers to provide feedback, this particular survey gives them all the opportunity to provide their views on a broad range of matters relating to College life and operations.

Parents and carers have until the end of Week 5 (Friday 16 November 2018) to complete the survey

Complete the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NK7WP6B