
Principal’s Message: Term 4, Week 6, 2020

To the families and friends of the St Edmund’s community,

On Tuesday of last week we acknowledged NAIDOC Week with a very special assembly.  I wish to thank and congratulate Ms Ashleigh Kerin and Mrs Elizabeth Mitchell and their team for a significant NAIDOC Week assembly. The assembly was a fitting acknowledgement of this year’s NAIDOC theme, “Always Was, Always Will Be”, with the presence of Dr Matilda House and her family being a special privilege for us all.  Matilda House is a Ngambri-Ngunnawal is an elder and has a very long-established connection to Canberra and its surrounding regions as one of the traditional custodians of the land, and has been involved in a great number of significant Aboriginal issues and initiatives.  The College has made a close and genuine connection with Matilda and we now consider her part of our wider Eddie’s family.

A highlight of the assembly was the presentation to each house of its House Spirit Guide, a connection to a local animal and its Aboriginal story which sits alongside the House name and House crest.  The symbols of the House Spirit Guides were presented in the form of some beautiful artwork, created by Jahrod Foley (Year 12).  Jahrod has left a wonderful legacy for the College as his artwork will always be associated with the identity of our Houses. Jahrod’s artwork can be seen on our Facebook page. St Edmund’s College will continue to look at ways in which we can create close and genuine connections to the culture and tradition of our Aboriginal sisters and brothers.

Last week also saw our annual Year 12 Farewell Rites of Passage week.  This consisted of a series of very significant and successful farewell events, beginning with a breakfast barbeque where our students were given an opportunity to learn about the Old Boys and Friends Association and receive their membership cap.  Many thanks to Rod Skvorc who represented the Old Boys and Friends association at this event.  Tuesday saw the boys have lunch with St Clare’s, farewelling their important relationship with St Clare’s over the years.  Thanks to the St Clare’s community for hosting the lunch this year.  Thursday saw the boys participate in a reflective activity where they affirmed each other in a structured shirt signing afternoon.  And of course, the culmination of the Farewell Rites of Passage Week are the House Farewells, where our tutor group teachers farewell their Year 12 students in an intimate and personal manner. This coming Friday we have our Graduation Mass and Assembly here at the school.  Whilst the Mass and Assembly may look a little different this year because of the COVID-19 environment, we have worked very hard to make these events as special and memorable as possible for our Year 12 students.

I would like to make a very special mention of one of Junior School students, Will Collett (Year 6, Rice).  Will has been working exceptionally hard on his cupcake business as part of Mr O’Rourke’s Year 6 Humanities and Social Sciences unit. As result, Will has raised over $400 for St Vincent De Paul.  My most sincere congratulations to Will for this wonderful initiative and achievement. It is heartwarming and encouraging to see our young men having the needs of others at the forefront of their actions and thinking.

A Prayer for our Year 12 Students

Source: https://www.xavier.edu/jesuitresource/online-resources/prayer-index/graduation-and-graduates

Gracious and caring God, our source of light,
we ask for your almighty hand to be upon our Year 12 students as we send them forward.

With their classes and grading now complete,
may they strive toward excellence in all they do.

With the applause quieted,
may they celebrate and lift up those around them.

With the speeches concluded,
may their voices rise up to pronounce peace and justice in the world.

With the fanfare ceasing,
may they find bliss in future endeavors and adventures.

With senior secondary studies over,
may their achievements grow and enrich their communities.

As people of Edmund Rice,
may they discover holiness in the midst of life’s blessings as well as life’s challenges.

As their careers and tertiary studies commence,
may they conduct their life’s work with exceptional skill and integrity,

inspired by the light of Christ,
from this day onward.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.

Joe Zavone
College Principal
Christus Lux Mea