
Student Wellbeing: Staying Connected

Welcome back to Term 2

The recent uncertain times have seen teaching and learning at St Edmund’s manifest itself in many different ways in recent weeks.

With this of course comes times of worry, anxiety and sometimes agitation.

The Wellbeing Team at St Edmund’s is here to care for your son as much as ever. Tutors, Heads of House and our counselling service are still functioning and remaining focused on remaining connected with your son.

Interactive Tutor groups are now running and now compliment academic interaction.

I urge parents to contact the College if you have a sense your son may need further support and or interaction to assist his wellbeing during this pandemic when regular face to face “onsite” support has a different look.

I recently posted a video message to our boys which dealt with 3 main issues. Please take time to chat with your son about them. The 3 points in summary  being

  1. Even though school is somewhat different at the moment your son’s are still Eddies boys and with this comes high expectations
  2. Our boys need to self- assess their care for others and in doing so need to actively aim to be of service to a family member in some extra way on a daily basis.
  3. Our boys need to strive to remain connected with their peer group. This may take effort and also more often than not has a social media component. Within this context, a need to focus on staying safe online is paramount. Similarly, your sons need to confide in a responsible adult if they have a sense that one of their mates is struggling in regards to his wellbeing.

Pat Langtry
Assistant Principal – Student Wellbeing