
Teaching and Learning Key Events for Semester 2 2019

As we commence Semester Two, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all students back to a semester of exciting events both pastorally and academically. As always, we appreciate your support as parents and hence draw your attention to some of our key events during Semester two.

2 AugustFinal date for subject/class and accelerated  changesMarianne Geoghegan
All Unit Outlines posted on Canvas. Parents are encouraged to discuss assessment due dates with their son(s)Teaching and Learning Office
8 AugustModeration Day, student free dayMarianne Geoghegan
26 AugustYear 10 into 11 subject selection interviews. Bookings can be made through the parent portalJuanita Rose
30 AugustFinal preparation day for AST for all tertiary Year 12 students. Uniform free dayDale Argall
3-4 SeptemberAST exam for all Year 12 tertiary students. All students sitting the AST are invited to a breakfast in the Edmund Rice centre at 8amDale Argall
17 SeptemberTerm reports published on the parent portalMargie Maher
19 SeptemberParent/teacher interviewsJuanita Rose
15-16 OctoberAST second sitting for all Year 12 tertiary students who missed the first sitting due to medical reasons or severe misadventureDale Argall
21-28 NovemberYear 7 -12 ExaminationsJuanita Rose
28 NovemberLast day for submissions of outstanding assessmentsTeaching and Learning Office

We remind our senior students about the importance of attending all classes and emphasise the need to explain any absence immediately upon their return to school. Failure to explain absences may lead to a void grade in a subject where such absences has been accumulated. Senior students are also reminded that medical certificates must be provided in the event of missing an assessment task.