
Walkathon 2018 Fundraising

Fundraising for the 2018 Walkathon is well on its way. This is truly a whole school event where all members of the community past and present can contribute to the community building initiative. After consultation with students and staff, the Br R. J. Wallace Hall upgrade will be the destination of the funds raised for the 2018 Walkathon. Each boy has been requested to raise $30 or more with many boys having already cracked $100 and more. Every student and staff member has received a Walkathon card and submit donations through to their respective House Service Captains.

As of Friday, 29 June, we have raised a total of $17,061.19

It is not too late to support Eddies by making a donation, either by cash or via online payment. Online payments can also be made through the College Website. Please see below link. If you do not have a family code please enter a surname in the Family code and this will assist the school in tracing the funds.

Make online donations through https://quickweb.westpac.com.au/OnlinePaymentServlet?cd_community=STEDMUND&cd_supplier_business=STEDMUND&cd_currency=AUD&CP_returnURL=http://www.stedmunds.act.edu.au