
Junior School News: Term 4, Week 4, 2023

Last week was an extremely sad week for our school community, with the passing of our wonderful Head of English, Mrs Ashleigh Kerrin. Please see the Principal’s Vortex information for a more detailed tribute to Ashleigh. We do not yet know the date of Ashleigh’s funeral but as a school we have decided to have a pupil-free day on the day of the funeral once the date is set. In order to allow as many staff members as possible and students to attend, should they wish, we will not have regular classes on that day. Once a funeral date is set, parents/carers will be sent an email as soon as possible to inform you. The school will also be holding a memorial at school, likely next Wednesday, for students and parents/carers who like to attend. More information will be sent out on this.

The Great Walk – Visit from Menslink this Wednesday 1 November. This Wednesday we have a visit from Menslink to chat about the importance of an event called ‘The Great Walk’. One of our Junior School parents, Laura Cunningham, is undertaking this challenge and is aiming to raise an incredible $30 000. Junior School will be undertaking walks three time per week to walk in solidarity with Laura. Please see below for some information about this event from Laura.

Menslink has been supporting young men in the Canberra region for over twenty years through free counselling, volunteer mentoring and education programs. In that time, they have helped thousands of young guys reach their full potential and become the great adult men they want to be, because Menslink believe everything is possible for these guys, their families, their mates, and our community. Mensink’s programs help improve mental fitness, combat domestic violence, reduce youth suicide, increase respect and positive behaviours and help create stronger communities.

Now in its third year, the Menslink Great Walk fundraiser comes at a time for Menslink in which it has never been more expensive to deliver their services and, at a time when they are experiencing their highest ever demand.  The Great Walk sees a group of hand-picked local community figures walk 142km over 5 days along the Canberra Centenary Trail, not only to raise much needed funds, but to raise awareness of the impactful services Menslink provide. This year, the group are trying to raise $300,000 from the Great Walk.

Why did I say yes to taking part in this year’s Great Walk?  Because it’s time for me to be brave after trying to overcome physical challenges over the last five years. If I can be brave and put my physical ability on the line to complete this walk and raise funds, then imagine how many other young guys I can empower to be brave too and seek the support to become great adult men.

To learn more about the Great Walk visit Menslink Great Walk 2023 or if you would like to donate towards my fundraising efforts visit Laura Cunningham – Centrered • Menslink Great Walk 2023 every dollar counts!

Junior School Academic Assembly – Thursday 2 November at 11.30am -12.10pm. Please note that at this assembly we will have the Royal Military College Band playing for us and we will acknowledge students who have been achieving in class. Parents/carers of students being presented with awards have been notified and are more than welcome to attend.

St Vincent de Paul Hamper Appeal – Mufti Day on Friday 3 November. On this day, St. Edmund’s will celebrate our ‘Vinnies Christmas Hamper Appeal’ with a mufti clothes day. We encourage a gold coin donation, which will be collected in your tutor group or junior class on the day. Students may wear casual clothes on this day. Please ensure your son does not wear ripped clothes or a singlet and has enclosed footwear.

Year 6 Transition – Year 6 are continuing their gradual transition to High School. Now experts in school room and venue locations (from our Year 6 runner’s program), and fresh from their Orientation Day last Monday, our Year 6 students will now join their High School House for the House farewells on Friday 10 November during period 1 and 2.

Year 6 2024 BYOD Reminder – all Year 5 students have had a reminder that our BYOD program begins in Year 6 at St Edmund’s. Students will need a laptop computer that has word processing, Wi-Fi access and basic capability. Laptops do not need to be expensive but must have a sturdy protective case. Please note Chromebooks are not recommended. Macs can also prove trickier to problem solve. More detailed information on our BYOD program is available on the College website: https://sec.act.edu.au/academic/device-program/

Staff Carpark (off Canberra Avenue) – Parents/Carers are asked not to use the staff carpark as a drop off or pick up location before or straight after school. This is due to safety considerations for our students. Please use the main semi-circular driveway or other exterior boundary options

Year 6 Camp 2024: Monday 19 February – Wednesday 21 February (Term 1, Week 4). More information will come out about this camp early next year. Please note the cost of Year 6 camp is approximately $380.

Homework Club – Mrs Ellem will be running homework club from Weeks 2-8 this term on Tuesdays/Wednesdays. Please email hellem@stedmunds.act.edu.au with a day’s notice should you wish to book your son/s in.

Hair Policy – Thank you to all parents/carers for keeping your son/s haircuts in line with the school’s uniform and hair policy. At times barbers may make mistakes. If they are informed of their mistake, many will fix the haircut (in line with our policy) at no extra charge. Could I please ask that all parents/carers familiarise themselves with the hair policy so that students can get about their daily work without teacher’s asking them about their haircuts. Thank you for your assistance with this.
Hair should be kept neat, tidy and clean at all times and not grown or styled into an extreme or exaggerated fashion.
Hair should be above the shoulder in length (above the bottom of the school shirt collar) and no shorter than a number ‘two’.
Students are not allowed to have lines or designs shaved into their hair nor grow long sections of hair that can be fashioned into ‘top buns’, plaits, dreadlocks, braids, ‘rats tails’, ‘mohawks’ or ‘mullets’ etc.
Hair should be evenly graded and/or blended, of natural colour, warn off the face and should not obstruct sight. Hair requiring to be tied back off the face may be necessary but only as a low bun.

David Kelly
Assistant Principal – Junior School