
Junior School News: Week 1, Term 2, 2019

I wish to extend a very warm welcome back to all of our Junior School families. I trust the break was a good chance to spend some time with your son/s and perhaps even a chance to relax with them ahead of another school term. In particular, I would like to welcome our new students Jayden (Year 4), Leiland (Year 5) and Heath (Year 6). Reflecting on the next few weeks here at St Edmund’s makes me feel excited, as we have many events and opportunities ahead. I have listed some of these events below. Not all of these events will impact on you or your son but being aware of them will give you an idea of what lies ahead for students, staff and our community as a whole. On Tuesday this week we welcomed over 65 boys to St Edmund’s for Experience Eddies Day. Our visitors, from a range of primary schools in Canberra and surrounding New South Wales, enjoyed some specialist classes and had an opportunity to experience what is like to be an Eddies boy. This day should flow nicely into Open Day which is on Saturday week.

Founder’s Day Mass – Thursday 2 May. All students in Years 4-12 will be walking down to St Christopher’s Cathedral on Thursday morning for a whole school Mass. This Mass will focus on Edmund Rice and his impact on our School and its 65 year history.

Winter Sport Begins – this weekend. Good luck to all of our Junior School teams as they begin their seasons. Have fun!

Parent/Teacher Interviews – Tuesday 7 May 3.40pm-6.30pm. Bookings can be made through the link sent out with your son’s Term 1 report. If you require a slightly longer appointment, please liaise with your son’s teacher.

Mother’s Day Mass – Friday 10 May 9.30am. Please note this event will be a whole school event and more information on how to book will be made available shortly. It is always a great event and we look forward to seeing as many mothers and grandmothers as possible. If you would like further information, please email Mrs Wilson cwilson@stedmunds.act.edu.au

NAPLAN 14-24 May. Year 5 will be completing NAPLAN testing during this period. Please note that all testing in 2019 is online, including the writing task. If you would like more information or if you would like to seek adjustments, withdrawal or exemption, please contact your son’s teacher.

David Kelly (Assistant Principal – Junior School)