
Principal’s Message: Term 1, Week 8, 2022

“Let us consider how to stir one another to love and good works.” Hebrews 10:24-25

Dear families and friends of St Edmund’s College,

Whilst many people celebrated St Patrick’s Day last Thursday (especially of course in Ireland, Australia and USA), another important feast day around this time went relatively unnoticed.  March 19 marks the Feast Day of St Joseph, hence its significance in my life.  Being of Italian background, this day was very important to me as a child, with my family celebrating the feast day with special meals and gifts.  Even to this day, my elderly mother still has a little gift for me on St Joseph’s Day.

I would like to share with you a beautiful reflection on St Joseph from Archbishop Peter Comensoli, the Archbishop of Melbourne.  I came me to know Archbishop Comensoli quite well when he was a Bishop in Sydney, with my wife and I sharing a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with him in 2014, and then remaining friends. Here is his reflection on St Joseph:

“Friends, today we mark the Solemnity of St Joseph – guardian, friend, spouse and father. There are so many words we might place before Joseph, who said nothing – at least nothing recorded in the Scriptures – but we know him to be a steward of God’s gifts, a guardian to God’s family, a husband and father, and in a particularly lovely way, a dreamer, who listened to the dreams that the Lord planted within him and followed them in faith and hope. His trust and acceptance in the face of unlooked-for turns and troubles in life; his deep respect, care and honour for his beloved wife; his love and guardianship of his mysterious son; his faithfulness to the paths of grace and his unpretentious dignity – all these characteristics of St Joseph present to us a man among men and women.

In a most striking way, St Joseph lived a very unassuming life, away from the limelight, and our admiration for him comes to us via the light that his life and actions shone on the lives of those he had taken on. He accepted a wife who had been chosen by Another; he accepted a son not of his own flesh. He chose to live the way of faith, hope and love, all the while remaining in the background to allow the light of others to shine.

As Pope St Paul VI once said of Joseph: ‘St Joseph is the model of those humble ones that Christianity raises up to great destinies … he is the proof that in order to be a good and genuine follower of Christ, there is no need of great things – it is enough to have the common, simple and human virtues, but they need to be true and authentic.’

St Joseph, the Great Protector, pray for us and our families!”

2021 Yearbook
Our 2021 Yearbook has been printed and distributed to students and staff.  I must congratulate our Yearbook team of Jodee Marques, Rhiannon Gardiner and Rachel Mynott-Smith on their tremendous work, effort, insight and creativity in chronicling the events of 2021 in such a lively and entertaining manner.  The 2021 Yearbook really works to encapsulate everything we value here at St Edmund’s, especially the great sense of vibrant spirit, strong character and tailored learning. If you aware of any Year 12 students from the class of 2021, please let them know that the Yearbook is now available for collection from Reception.

Our enrolment period has now commenced for 2023 enrolments. If you aware of any families who are considering St Edmund’s College for their son, please let them know that our enrolment process has opened. Enrolment enquiries can be directed to enrolments@stedmunds.act.edu.au.  Hopefully we can consolidate and continue the exciting growth that we have experienced over the last three years.

Uniform Shop details about winter uniform purchases and fittings have been attached to this edition of Vortex. If you have not done so already, please make sure you have ordered the new optional puffer jacket for the winter season.  I have heard these have been very popular and would not want students to miss out.  The new redesigned beanie is also available to order online.

A reminder that students in Years 7 – 12 must have a blazer during Terms 2 & 3.  The first level of warmth in winter is the College jumper, then the blazer.  As I stated above, students may have the new puffer jacket as another level of warmth (this is worn over the blazer).  No other jumpers, hoodies, jackets, etc. may be worn to school or at school.

As we move into the winter season for uniforms, I would encourage parents to consider donating any summer uniform items to our second-hand uniform collection.  This second-hand uniform collection is invaluable for our families in need. We do not make any profit from these second-hand uniforms – they are given to our families in need, not sold. Any donations of summer uniform items can be left at Reception.  Thank you so much in anticipation of your kind consideration of helping us out with pre-loved uniforms.

Term 1 Fundraising
Our Term 1 fundraising focus is Caritas Australia, the international aid and development agency of the Australian Catholic Church. Caritas Australia is driven by social justice and the dignity of every person. It works with local communities in Australia and overseas, listening to concerns, assessing needs and working with partners on locally-led development programs. With hope, support and compassion at the core of what Caritas does, it works towards a world where all people may thrive.

Please see Mr. Monagle’s article in this edition of Vortex regarding the creative nature of our fundraising efforts for Caritas this year.  Of course, donations from parents are always gratefully accepted at Reception to add to the pool of funds raised by students. Our work for Caritas Australia during Term 1 ties in beautifully with our scriptural theme for 2022, “Let us consider how to stir one another to love and good works.” (Hebrews 10:24-25). It is incumbent on all of us to support each other and motivate each other in continuing to do “good works”, as it is through good works that we actively and tangibly demonstrate our love for others.  As a Catholic community, this is the very core of who we are and how we should be.

Prayer for the Third Week of Lent
Lord, in your thirst for relationship with us,
You reveal a love and longing greater than anything we can ask for or imagine.
Teach us to thirst in the depths of our souls for you, O Lord, and through You,
to thirst for more loving and just relationships with others.
Above all, help us to be advocates for justice and peace in our workplaces
and in the families and communities in which You have planted us.
In Your blessed name we pray.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea