
Principal’s Message: Week 5, Term 1, 2018

To the community of St Edmund’s College,

Remarkably we find ourselves in the middle of Term 1, even though it feels like a moment ago that we commenced a new school year.  The year has commenced in a very strong manner – we have just had a very successful camp and retreat experience for students in Years 6 – 12 and students have also settled into their 2018 studies, with most of our young men already having established good work habits and routines.

I would like to thank the College Leadership Team (CLT) for their hard work in efforts in ensuring that the year has commenced in such a positive manner.   I thank our CLT for their support of our students and for the support they provide to our members of staff.  The CLT is well supported by the Principal’s Secretary, Mrs Pauline Mills and consists of:

Deputy Principal – Mr Jacob Knowles

Director of Business Services – Mrs Samantha Brady

Director of ICT and Innovation – Ms Margie Maher

Head of Junior School – Mr David Kelly

Director of Mission and Identity – Mr Michael Monagle

Director of Pastoral Care – Mr Pat Langtry

Director of Teaching and Learning – Ms Marianne Geoghegan

Our contribution to the local community has also commenced in a very strong manner this year.  We had a very large group of students participate in the St Vincent de Paul Door Knock on 17 February in the Narrabundah area, raising close to $2000, and we had a number of students as part of St Edmund’s Rugby volunteer their time and efforts to helping raise $5,000 for Menslink during the Multicultural Festival in the city centre.  Term One sees a whole school effort in raising awareness of the work of Caritas and contributing to their Project Compassion appeal.  The foundation for our community and service activities is the EREA Charter, with a focus on the Touchstone of Justice and Solidarity, which reads “We are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection that calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised and the Earth itself”.  Right relationships and community are at the very essence of this work.  When we discern carefully the ministry of Jesus and the work of Blessed Edmund Rice, this touchstone has a particular depth of meaning for us at St Edmund’s College, where we look to Christ and the work of Blessed Edmund as clear models on how to live a faith-filled life and how to serve others as an integral part of our faith-filled lives. A touchstone is a standard or criterion by which something is judged or recognised, so we use the EREA Touchstone of Justice and Solidarity as a means of measuring how authentic we are as a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition.

I would ask parents and carers to be aware of the opportunities for partnership and collaboration within the College.  Information has already been distributed about the first Eddies Forum (replacing the Parents Forum) – the first of which was held yesterday, and information will soon be distributed about the first Breakfast with the Principal – this is a series of early morning events where a small group of parents and carers will have the opportunity to join me for breakfast here at the College and share their thoughts and ideas for future College improvement and development.  Yesterday’s Eddies Forum was a most successful and productive evening, with issues raised by parents setting the agenda for future Eddies Forum events.

As we approach the fourth Sunday of Lent next week, we remember how close we are to the most significant time of the Church year. For some of us the last few weeks may have been a time of personal and spiritual growth, but others might be finding our Lenten commitments fading a little.  I would ask all members of our St Edmund’s community to use this time to re-commit ourselves to our Lenten commitments in order to best prepare for the profound experience of the Passion – the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.   Our school motto is Christus Lux Mea, “Christ is my Light” and we are invited each day to be open to Christ’s light and share it with others.

Holy God of light,

we praise and thank you for the gift of faith.

Help us to follow closely in the footsteps of your Son and to walk always as children of light.

We ask this through Christ our Lord


Christus Lux Mea

Joe Zavone (Principal)