
Wellbeing Update

What a busy start to the year we have had here at St Edmund’s. So many events and occasions already, where our young men have had the opportunity to step up, demonstrate their strengths and qualities and work collaboratively with their peers.
We have started 2024 with a theme of #RaiseTheBar. The idea behind this theme is for each individual in our community to make a conscious and deliberate effort to embrace personal growth in all areas (intellectually, socially, emotionally, physically etc), increase personal expectations, go beyond existing standards and be better at what we have done before. Our aim is also to build a sense of community where we old hold each other accountable for our actions and work collaboratively as a community where we strive for improvement.
All new years bring change and new challenges, but our Eddies school environment provides opportunities for all our young men to face these challenges head on, with the support of so many people around them. Our Year 11 students have begun their Senior Years of schooling and participated in a leadership formation day last week. Year 7 students started a either a new school or have transitioned from the Junior School. We have had many new students join our community in other year groups as well as a number of new staff members.
The accomplishments of each individual in the year ahead largely centres around the choices that are made and actions taken for themselves. With the support of families and the St Edmund’s staff, hopefully, all of our young men will embrace the idea of raising the bar and demonstrate determination, strong motivation, perseverance and a willingness to work hard in order to succeed.
“To be the best, you have to constantly be challenging yourself, raising the bar, pushing the limits of what you can do. Don’t stand still, leap forward” Ronda Rousey.

Year 12 Breakfast with St Clare’s
Our Year 12 students were significantly outnumbered by the St Clare’s girls on the morning of the 13th February for the joint Year 12 breakfast. It is a lovely way to start the year in collaboration with the senior leaders between the two schools. Our staff and students did a great job preparing bacon and egg rolls and other breakfast treats for the students and the students had a great opportunity to mingle and talk before school.

Year 7 Formation Day
On the 23rd February Year 7 participated in a Formation and wellbeing day. The day centred around:
• Identifying and building positive character traits that an Eddies boy should demonstrate such as being a good listener, being respectful, being kind, being honest, being courageous etc.
• Friendships and how to overcome challenges in friendships.
• Looking at how words can hurt and how we need to be mindful of what we say to others and how it is said – banter versus bullying.
• Team work and team building.
A lot of fun was had on the day and staff were very impressed with the cooperation and behaviour of the Year 7 cohort. Hopefully this day prepares Year 7 for their end of term camp to Tathra.

Year 12 Retreat
A highlight for Year 12 each year is the Year 12 retreat. It is the final time Year 12 students get to go away together as a cohort, and a significant amount of bonding and collaboration happens during this time. The retreat focused on a sense of faith and spirituality and our relationship with God, whilst integrating the 5 Ways to Wellbeing: Connecting, Being Active, Taking Notice, Keep Learning and Giving.
Boys got to participate in group discussions, meditative activities, a group Mass, a group hike up the mountain (where I am sure some of the Opens Rugby squad did more whinging than anyone else) and creative activities. It was also wonderful to hear staff share some of their personal journeys of life and how boys can take some learnings away from staff members experiences.
Overall the Year 12 cohort was exceptional and really embraced the group work, themes, discussions and self-reflection opportunities that were provided.

Year 11 Leadership Day
Last week on the February 28th, Year 11 participated in a Leadership Day to begin their journey as seniors at St Eddies. The focus of this day is to promote a sense of leadership, identify character strengths, build cohesion and teamwork amongst the cohort and promote service back to our community. Whilst some students found it difficult to self-reflect and examine aspects of themselves, the majority of students were able to apply themselves and begin the journey of leadership and becoming more of an independent and self-reflective young man.

Harmony Day
On Tuesday the 19th March, the St Edmund’s community will be recognising Harmony Day. The actual date for Harmony Day is the 21st March, however due to Yr 10 being on camp, we have moved the date forward for 2024.
Harmony Day is a National Day of recognition where we celebrate the diversity that brings Australians together from all different backgrounds. The day aims to promote inclusivity, respect for everyone and building a sense of belonging.
In order to celebrate this occasion, all students are encouraged to wear traditional cultural dress to school for the day. If a students does not have a traditional dress for their culture, then we ask students to wear orange as the designated colour for harmony Day. We will also be asking for gold coin donations to go towards our fundraising efforts for Caritas.
There will also be international food stalls during lunch on this day. Some foods will need to be pre-ordered, while others will be sold on the day. An email regarding food to be sold on this day will be sent out separately to families. All money raised on this day will go towards Caritas.

Some Reminders:
Haircuts and uniform
A sincere thank you to all those students and families that made the effort to get haircuts and uniforms sorted prior to returning to school. The support of the College’s uniform policy is appreciated. It is a constant battle for staff however to ensure that uniform and grooming standards meet the expectations required of an Eddies boy. We ask that all our families continue to help support us in making sure haircuts meet standards, boys are clean shaven and that socks, shoes and other uniform items meet the College’s dress code.

Student drivers and passengers driven in vehicles by students.
Students who drive to school must complete forms provided by their Head of House. The form includes:
• car details including registration number
• passenger details
• parking arrangements
Students are not permitted to park motor vehicles on the College grounds or in the pick-up or drop-off zones. No responsibility will be taken by the College for damage to student vehicles; including theft from vehicles or parking infringement fines.
If your son is not a driver, but travels to school with another student as the driver, written permission must be given to your son’s Head of House indicating who your son will be travelling with. Please send this as a written letter or as an email.

All members of the College community are reminded that CCTV is in operation across the majority of the College buildings including outdoor areas.
Classrooms do not have CCTV videos set up.

The College is often notified about some challenges regarding student behaviour on public transport and in public places. Our boys are consistently given reminders about expected behaviours on public transport which includes demonstrating respect for drivers and all people travelling on public transport. We ask that our families also give our students reminders about behaving appropriately on public transport and whilst out in public. Bus companies are within their rights to confiscate a student’s bus pass for ongoing infringements whilst travelling on public transport.

Names on Clothing
In order to assist staff at the College with lost property, could you please ensure that your son’s uniforms are labelled with their names. This helps staff be able to return items that may be misplaced and also assists when clothing gets mixed up.
Whilst it has been a busy start to the year, the boys have begun with a cooperative and positive attitude which was seen at the Opening Mass and 70th Anniversary Celebration Day. It is hoped that all our young men will try to embrace our #RaiseTheBar theme and really strive to be the best version of themselves this year and make themselves and all of us proud.

Monica Day
Assistant Principal – Student Wellbeing