
College Captain Article

Year 12 Retreat

The start of our last camp as a cohort started bright an early, with all the boys meeting up behind the grandstand, all keen as ever to get down to Jindabyne to see what the camp had to offer and spend some good quality time with one another. The bus ride started off great, with one of the boys supplying a speaker and we blasted the song “American Pie” as we left any thoughts of going to school behind. Once arriving to Jindabyne, we were all treated to the magnificent views of lake Jindabyne as it stretches out across the horizon. Upon arrival at camp, we were greeted with a great lunch of fish and chips. Which really set the standard of food we ate throughout the whole camp, which was amazing, from roast dinners to curries, the dishes kept getting better and better. I believe that the retreat was a great opportunity for all of us boys to really grow our connections stronger with one another and grow as our own person as well. This was achieved through the many different sessions we partook in which overall made the experience ten times better. And who could forget all the free time we were given which meant many table tennis competitions that lasted long into the night, tennis comps, who could do the most backflips on the trampolines and who could forget the basketball 1v1’s, and just having a cup of tea and talk about life with Mr master and Ms Manenica. Another highlight of the trip was the walk we all went on, in the morning of the second day, which took us up the mountain that the retreat was built near. Once reaching the top we were all treated with amazing views of Jindabyne and lake Jindabyne, but a favourite moment for all was the “cold” (cool) photos all the boys got to take, ranging from group photos, to just selfies. But the sessions that I think a lot of the boys got a lot out of was when our teachers that accompanied us to the retreat shared with us their stories about what their life was like growing up and how they were able to grow and find what they wanted to do with their lives after school. The retreat was a great opportunity for all of us learn more about more personal selves and understand more about our mates too and grow closer to one another. And in the same way the camp started, we all boarded the busses and found and seats, and as we left the gates of the retreat, we were again blasting the song “American Pie” which we all could agree was the song of the trip. From all us boys I would like to thank all the teachers that came along to the retreat and made it so special for all us boys, and a massive thank you to Miss Wilson for planning all the activities and the retreat.

Thank you.

Ben Martens
College Captain