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Mountain Biking

St Edmund’s College prides itself on offering an array of co-curricular activities that caters for a range of interests. One of the lesser known but more stimulating programs that the school undertakes is mountain biking. The ACT region is blessed with a great selection of mountain bike tracks, from the soft pine needles of Kowen, the dry slopes on Bruce Ridge to the world renowned Stromlo Forest Park. This plethora of open access specialty built tracks is home to the small but passionate Mountain Biking club at St Edmund’s College.

Throughout the year the Mountain Biking club holds a weekly ride on Thursday afternoons. Through the use of a custom built trailer and the schools bus, we are able to take around a dozen boys out for a 2 hour ride. Twice a year we are involved in more energizing events in the form of ACT Interschool’s Championships and the SCOTT 24hr. These rides cater for boys that are just starting out, all the way through to the more competitive and skilled riders that also participate in the local race circuits. It is this attitude of everyone being welcome that is central to the spirit of the program. The focus for us is not to win, race or be pushed to the edge, the focus is to be involved in a lifelong interest that promotes wellbeing and a healthy attitude to life.


Please visit the Contacts page for details: https://sec.act.edu.au/contacts/