
St Edmund’s College Sacramental Program

Embracing the Sacraments: A Path of Spiritual Growth

Please click on this link below to access the form
Sacramental program 2024 intial interest

In the heart of the Catholic faith lies the profound journey of the sacraments, sacred rituals that mark significant moments in our spiritual lives. These sacraments serve as visible signs of God’s grace, guiding us closer to Him as we navigate the joys and challenges of life.

For our school community, from years 4 to 12, the opportunity to partake in the sacraments is not only a privilege but a vital step in nurturing our relationship with God and strengthening our faith.

Whether it be the Sacrament of Baptism, where we are welcomed into the Christian community with open arms, or the Sacrament of Confirmation, where we affirm our faith and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit, each sacrament holds its own profound significance.

The Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion offer moments of reflection, forgiveness, and communion with Christ. These sacraments mark important milestones in their spiritual journey, laying a foundation for a lifelong commitment to their faith.

The Sacrament of Confirmation provides an opportunity to affirm their baptismal vows and embrace their role as active members of the Church. Through Confirmation, they receive the strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit to live out their faith boldly in the world.

We invite all members of our school community, regardless of age, to consider embarking on this sacred journey of the sacraments. Whether you are exploring the Catholic faith for the first time or seeking to deepen your spiritual connection, the sacraments offer a profound opportunity for growth, reflection, and renewal. Parishes do offer the sacramental program, and it is advised that participants consult their Parish in the first instance. However, if you have missed opportunities connected to your Parish, we offer the program here.

Our annual sacramental program will commence next term with an information evening occurring on Tuesday May 7th at 6.30pm. To assist us in preparation for this, we ask the form below to be filled out and returned to Ms Bridget Cusack in Junior School or Ms Carmela Wilson in High School as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please contact

Carmela Wilson
Assistant Principal- Mission & Identity